Wednesday 12 October 2016

From A Gallery To Classes, Studio Olive Brings Together All Things Art - My piece for LBB Bangalore

What Is It?

Studio Olive is an art gallery which also offers classes and artistic services.

Where Is It?

Located on St. John’s Road {in the lane next to the Aegis building}, the studio is a 2-5 minute walk from Commercial Street.

Arty Space

Studio Olive is situated in the heart of the city, yet nestled away from all the noise and pollution – a perfectly-located island of creativity. Apart from being an art gallery, the space also has art classes for all ages in a cute, friendly, green atmosphere. Run by artist and former adman, Ajai Chavan {who has forayed into teaching and creating art full-time}, the place offers customised courses based on your age and availability of time. With classes on everything from sketching and shading to calligraphy and abstract painting, it is a convenient option for all those who love art and craft, but can’t seem to fit it into their busy schedule.
Ajai also specialises in knife art, knife painting, tribal art, and Mexican art. So, students might even get to learn some unconventional techniques from the experienced artist. Affordable to all, yet kept classy and exclusive, he tries to make high-quality art {think mixed media, oil and acrylic works} accessible to all. Also, the environment that has a workshop, classes as well as a studio, is perfect for art enthusiasts.


Look out for the coasters, trays and clothes {designed by Ajai} available at the studio.
Where: 40, St. John’s Road, Next to Aegis Building. Near Ulsoor lake
Price: INR 3,000 upwards for paintings, fees for classes depend on the course and schedule
Contact:+91 9845256244,
Timings: 10am – 5pm

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